Recycling plastic
The mean lifetime of packaging plastics is less than a year.
When we look at the incredible amount of planting pots that comes and goes,
to us, there can be no other option: we only work with recycled pots.

It has to be recyclable, too
Circulair economy is, we think, key to a sustainable future for our planet.
Therefore, it is not only important that the plant pots we use are made of recycled materials but that they can be recycled at the end of their life cycle, too.
Minimising plastic waste
Additionally, our plant trays are recycled and recylable.
They are available via deposit and were designed in a robust way in order to minimise breakage & thus waste.
Last year we achieved a 30% return rate on our trays contributing to our all-over waste minimisation goal.
40% return rate on trays
In the next year we have set a goal to increase the tray return rate even further. Because it can be done better and we like a good challenge.
We will be connecting this to a Social Media campaign as we launch our new taupe trays.
Because cooperation is needed – from all involved!
All partners in chain
One of the challenging elements in this aspiring objective is cooperation in the entire process.
This may sound like a one-directional communication challenge at first. “Please return your trays.”
However, it is a complex task to align and get everyone on board. The entire chain consists of many links, and each and everyone of them must collaborate with everyone else in order to achieve success jointly.
A tremendous journey for all partners.