The Highest Quality Perennials
Bare root perennials can be often grown considerably cooler than plants started from smaller sized plugs. These cooler temperatures benefit both the plants and the growers paying the heating bills.
Additionally, starting with bare root divisions gives growers more control over when their crops are in bloom. Large growers can stagger their potting dates to have plants in color over an extended sales window.
Bare root perennials generally produce stronger plants than seed grown perennials and should flower in their first season. Some perennials grow more slowly than others.
It usually takes a month or more to see new growth on Paeonies while Rudbeckia and Heuchera fill out more quickly.
You can expect some newly-planted perennials to produce a handful of flowers the first year. More commonly, these young plants will concentrate on getting established and not bloom until the second year.
More Bare Root

Optimal Growth
Bare root perennials typically are significantly larger than those grown in plug form….
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Amazing Selection with Great Value
Our selection is at its very best for the entire year. A huge amount of bare root perennials we….
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